Monday, April 04, 2011

things I love

Being a writer myself, I can appreciate good writing. I wanted to spend a blog post on one of my newest discoveries in playwriting: Melissa Leilani Larson.

A few months ago I discovered (with the help of Happy Organist) a play she wrote called Little Happy Secrets. You can listen to it here (if you have iTunes or QuickTime player). I related to the story. I'm sure many of us can.

And then I recently saw her stage adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion and was truly floored by it. I may have even formed a bit of a crush on the actor who played Anne. She was so fun to watch.

Congratulations, Mel. You made it to my blog.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I've been bleeped.


    Alex, Alex, Alex. So sorry my brain is gone.

  3. I so want to know what was removed! LOL


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